If you skip Flossing, you will miss cleaning up to 40% of your tooth surfaces! Do you believe this? If you have sat through any dental cleaning, you might have already known what flossing is. Flossing is an integral part of the whole cleaning process. Flossing is...
If you haven’t had a root canal treatment for your teeth, you may wonder what and how it will be. A root canal is a process where the inner parts of the teeth are cleaned to remove the infections. Hence the pain for a few hours or one or two days is common. The...
Congratulations! Shocking why? If you are reading this blog, either you got your teeth whitening treatment or you are thinking of it. We would highly appreciate and help you get out of all the myths or fears and clear your doubts about tooth whitening. When we ask...
Not all branches on trees are stronger as they look!! The same comes to your teeth. The teeth may look stronger and healthier until you put some extra pressure which is what you usually do to your teeth every normal day. But when the teeth are weakened or damaged or...
There are many reasons for tooth extraction depending on the individual’s teeth problem like decay, infections, gum diseases, etc. Tooth extraction may be painful for initial one or two days, but that does not indicate the long-lasting pain. Sometimes tooth extraction...
Dental cap treatment is one of the most common procedures used to protect damaged, decayed, or root canal-treated teeth. These dental caps, also known as crowns, shield the tooth from further damage by acting as a protective barrier against harmful elements. Dental...